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WTF?!?! Cursing eases pain?

InjuryBoard.com – 7 minutes ago
The study, from the School of Psychology at the University of Keele in England, expanded on findings from a study done
in 2009 that showed that cursing

The Art of Appreciation

Burke Connection – 44 minutes ago
Dr. Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., professor of psychology at George Mason University, has studied the link between gratitude
and happiness and says that people who


Gamasutra – 1 hour ago
A serious scientific product developed by a team of Yord’s professional psychologists and counselors, Test Yourself
has been adapted into a great new series

Fire Science program at KCKCC expanding

Bonner Springs Chieftain – 1 hour ago
She has her PhD in psychology, and for three years she taught psychology as an She said
she got into psychology because she was interested in how the

profiles of world leaders

CBC.ca – 1 hour ago
He is now Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology and International Affairs and the Director of the Political Psychology Program at George Washington


The science behind holiday nostalgia

Mother Nature Network – 1 hour ago
And, it can be a salve to those suffering through hard times, according to nostalgia expert Krystine Batcho, a professor of psychology at Le Moyne College

Mother Nature Network

Winter Solstice: Coaxing and Celebrating the Return of the Light

Indian Country Today Media Network.com – 2 hours ago
«Whichever tradition, the story reminds us there’s more to life than the material realm,» wrote Gary Gach in the inaugural
entry of Psychology Today’s blog

The Guardian

Four Psychologists at the Gates of Hell

CounterPunch – 2 hours ago
Just as improbably, they all grew up to become psychologists, each with a different area of professional focus. Over
many years of independent practice,
Expert: Don’t Let Babies ‘Cry It Out’

KOCO Oklahoma City – 3 hours ago
Published in Psychology Today, the study says that letting babies cry at will can alter their brain development and
ultimately turn the child into a
Telling the truth

PhysOrg.com – 3 hours ago
The research – carried out by psychologists at the University of Cambridge, University of Haifa, the National
Institute of Child Health and Human
Autor: Eduardo Montoro

Mi nombre es Eduardo Montoro, soy del 68, estoy casado con Graciela y tengo un hijo, Juan Manuel.
Tengo un largo recorrido académico, definido por un amigo como el viaje de Frodo, no porque sea como Frodo, sino por las peripecias que tuve que pasar, algunas en Italia otras en Argentina. En ese viaje obtuve varios reconocimientos académicos:
• Licenciado en Psicologia, Universidad Católica de Cuyo.
• Master en Psicología de Counselling, Università Europea di Roma
• Profesor de Psicología, Universidad de Mendoza
• Licenciado en Filosofía Sistemática con orientación Lexicográfica, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
• Licenciado en Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad Católica de Cuyo
• Y cuatro años de Teología, no acreditados oficialmente en ninguna universidad, pero que equivalen a una licencia.
Actualmente resido en San Juan, Argentina y mi hobby es salir a andar en moto en duro por los cerros sanjuaninos.
Pero lo que más me apasiona es ver crecer a las personas, superarse, en las más difíciles e inimaginables circunstancias.

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