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Stephen H. Hasbrouck

phillyBurbs.com – 59 minutes ago
He was attending Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, where he was pursuing his Ph.D. inpsychology. Stephen was a certified animal control officer, 


Successful Munster Regional XC Squad Day held at Cork IT

Athletics Association of Ireland – 1 hour ago
Following the session the athletes were treated to a talk by Sports Psychology expert Canice Kennedy. Canice spoke to the athletes about confidence, 


Buena Vista professors recognized in their fields

Sioux City Journal – 1 hour ago
Dr. Wind Goodfriend, associate professor of psychology, and recent BVU graduate Arielle Butler, have written an empirical article together which has been 


People in Business

Santa Maria Times – 1 hour ago
Reder, holds master’s degrees in special education and psychology, will structure curricula for children of all abilities. Prior to joining Easter Seals, 


Next up: Richard Fleming Jr.

The Tennessean – 1 hour ago
He graduated from FranklinRoadAcademy, then earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Mississippi in 2002. 


Legg named outstanding student at Crestwood

Wilkes Barre Times-Leader – 2 hours ago
Legg enjoys computer applications and psychology classes and is a member of the varsity football team and the varsity wrestling team. 


Stuckey and Rogers

Monroe News Star – 2 hours ago
She will pursue a Master’s degree in School Psychology in the Fall. William graduated from Ruston High School in 2002. He attended the University of 



Wilkes Barre Times-Leader – 3 hours ago
Psychologist Jeffrey Fremont, Forty Fort, has been nominated by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett to the State Board of Psychology


Failure to communicate

News & Observer – 3 hours ago
Police need to know about psychology and communication as ways to counterbalance their strong inclination toward muscle as the way to solve all problems. 


Sex Advice: She wants to be a sex therapist

Detroit Free Press – Isadora Alman – 3 hours ago
DEAR ISADORA: I am a student in my second year of college with a major in psychology. Can you tell me how to become a sex therapist? 

Autor: Eduardo Montoro

Mi nombre es Eduardo Montoro, soy del 68, estoy casado con Graciela y tengo un hijo, Juan Manuel.
Tengo un largo recorrido académico, definido por un amigo como el viaje de Frodo, no porque sea como Frodo, sino por las peripecias que tuve que pasar, algunas en Italia otras en Argentina. En ese viaje obtuve varios reconocimientos académicos:
• Licenciado en Psicologia, Universidad Católica de Cuyo.
• Master en Psicología de Counselling, Università Europea di Roma
• Profesor de Psicología, Universidad de Mendoza
• Licenciado en Filosofía Sistemática con orientación Lexicográfica, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
• Licenciado en Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad Católica de Cuyo
• Y cuatro años de Teología, no acreditados oficialmente en ninguna universidad, pero que equivalen a una licencia.
Actualmente resido en San Juan, Argentina y mi hobby es salir a andar en moto en duro por los cerros sanjuaninos.
Pero lo que más me apasiona es ver crecer a las personas, superarse, en las más difíciles e inimaginables circunstancias.

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