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  1. Bethany’s elevator experiment a case of backward research

    BLC News & Events – 40 minutes ago
    «Conformity is all around us,» said Jennifer Wosmek, a psychology instructor at Bethany Lutheran College. «But it’s
    hard to get at systematically.

    BLC News & Events

  2. Brain strain: Christmas shopping when money tight

    STLtoday.com – 1 hour ago
    It seems to tap into circuits that originally spurred our ancestors to go out looking for food, says Brian Knutson, an
    associate professor of psychology and

    Kansas City Star

  3. Study: African-American men don’t reap same career benefits from

    PhysOrg.com – 1 hour ago
    Study co-author Lillian Eby, a professor in the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Program in the UGA Franklin
    College of Arts and Sciences,

  4. Crimes of New York: Deloris Gillespie’s Horror in a Brooklyn Elevator

    International Business Times – 1 hour ago
    Bryant is a clinical and forensic psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. He is a member of the
    Forensic Psychology Group and has extensive

    ABC News

  5. Bedouin Soundclash Contest Interview

    Shalom Life – 2 hours ago
    A college student with obvious charm In 1971, researchers set up a prison in the basement of Stanford University’s Psychology Department.

  6. Jacobs Foundation’s Board of Trustees Appoints Two New Members

    PR Newswire (press release) – 2 hours ago
    The German psychologist Ulman Lindenberger is Director of the Center for Ulman Lindenberger
    earned his summa cum laude Ph.D. in psychology from the Free

  7. Couples may influence each other’s binge drinking

    Toronto Sun – 2 hours ago
    researchers at the university examined the idea of whether couples influence each other’s drinking habits by studying 208

    Zee News

  8. She’s just not that into you (but you probably think she is)

    The Conversation – 2 hours ago
    Experiments by evolutionary psychologists have, for some time, been showing us But evolutionary psychology is at its best when it reveals where those
  9. Discovering Autism: An industry built on hope

    PhysOrg.com – 3 hours ago
    In 1987, Ivar Lovaas, a charismatic UCLA psychology professor, published what remains the most famous study on the
    treatment of autism.

  10. Failure of brain part can make behaviour brutal

    Deccan Herald – 3 hours ago
    It’s what makes them fully human to us,» said Susan Fiske, study co-author and professor ofpsychology at Princeton.
    For this latest study,

    Deccan Herald

Autor: Eduardo Montoro

Mi nombre es Eduardo Montoro, soy del 68, estoy casado con Graciela y tengo un hijo, Juan Manuel.
Tengo un largo recorrido académico, definido por un amigo como el viaje de Frodo, no porque sea como Frodo, sino por las peripecias que tuve que pasar, algunas en Italia otras en Argentina. En ese viaje obtuve varios reconocimientos académicos:
• Licenciado en Psicologia, Universidad Católica de Cuyo.
• Master en Psicología de Counselling, Università Europea di Roma
• Profesor de Psicología, Universidad de Mendoza
• Licenciado en Filosofía Sistemática con orientación Lexicográfica, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
• Licenciado en Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad Católica de Cuyo
• Y cuatro años de Teología, no acreditados oficialmente en ninguna universidad, pero que equivalen a una licencia.
Actualmente resido en San Juan, Argentina y mi hobby es salir a andar en moto en duro por los cerros sanjuaninos.
Pero lo que más me apasiona es ver crecer a las personas, superarse, en las más difíciles e inimaginables circunstancias.

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