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Market Research Account Manager – Qualitative

Bizcommunity.com – 13 minutes ago
Honours degree in consumer psychology, anthropology, social sciences, industrial psychology etc. OR proven experience THE COMPANY IS IDEALLY LOOKING FOR A 

Fearless factor: Nevada’s Hunt uses social media to share personal 

Reno Gazette-Journal – Chris Murray – 1 hour ago
The course was titled Entrepreneurial Psychology and focused on personal branding. Assignments included creating both Twitter and Facebook pages. 

10-month-old babies can follow your thoughts

Deccan Herald – 3 hours ago
Infants were monitored during different trials of a common psychological test in which an actor indicated preference for certain objects. 

Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett Develops Workshops to Train Professionals 

PR.com (press release) – 3 hours ago
Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett is a national award winning psychologist, professor, author,  Currently a tenured member of the psychology faculty at Kent State 

Violent video games (2nd November 2011)

ABC Online (blog) – Peter Gooch – 4 hours ago
The findings have just been published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The study was led by Dr Brock Bastian. 

Forex – Psychology/Strategy for major markets today

FXMarketAlerts.com – 4 hours ago
* EUR/USD – confusion is only growing in Greece, and while the referendum is in doubt there will be more twists and turns to come; 1.3564 the big support 

Video games make you insensitive & kill human values: Research

Economic Times – 4 hours ago
Brock Bastian from the University of Queensland School of Psychology and co-authors looked at whether the experience of cyber-violence had dehumanising 

Introverts and ambiverts: you’re not alone

The Daily Campus – 4 hours ago
According to research from the California School of Professional Psychology, people who have both social tendencies but also enjoy spending time alone are 

Occupy Gainesville, Occupy UF pair up for demonstration

The Independent Florida Alligator – 5 hours ago
«It is a free-speech event,» said Skye Schmelzer, 19, a psychology sophomore and organizer of Occupy UF. «It is a way for people to speak their mind, 

Parenting expert to explain teen brain

Duluth News Tribune – John Myers – 5 hours ago
David Walsh, a professor at the Universityof Minnesotaand a nationally known author and adolescentpsychologist, will be here to talk about his new book, 

Autor: Eduardo Montoro

Mi nombre es Eduardo Montoro, soy del 68, estoy casado con Graciela y tengo un hijo, Juan Manuel.
Tengo un largo recorrido académico, definido por un amigo como el viaje de Frodo, no porque sea como Frodo, sino por las peripecias que tuve que pasar, algunas en Italia otras en Argentina. En ese viaje obtuve varios reconocimientos académicos:
• Licenciado en Psicologia, Universidad Católica de Cuyo.
• Master en Psicología de Counselling, Università Europea di Roma
• Profesor de Psicología, Universidad de Mendoza
• Licenciado en Filosofía Sistemática con orientación Lexicográfica, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
• Licenciado en Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad Católica de Cuyo
• Y cuatro años de Teología, no acreditados oficialmente en ninguna universidad, pero que equivalen a una licencia.
Actualmente resido en San Juan, Argentina y mi hobby es salir a andar en moto en duro por los cerros sanjuaninos.
Pero lo que más me apasiona es ver crecer a las personas, superarse, en las más difíciles e inimaginables circunstancias.

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